jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012

COM’ON project: Second Living Lab activity

September 24th we conducted a Living Lab workshop with elderly people in order learn about their habits and how they prepare for a trip.  The activity is part of the development in the AAL project COM’ON.

The aim of COM'ON project is to develop an IT solution in order to resolve elderly mobility into cities in a holistic approach (planning, sharing and on journey help services), which will cover all available public transport options, in order to help older people maintain their outdoor mobility for as long as possible.

The participants during the workshop

For more information about the project, please visit http://www.comon.lu

Supported by:

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

Xerrada sobre la atenció primària amb relació a l'assitència hospitalària

Avui han vingut a i2Health les Dres. Mª Antònia Llauger (Metgessa de família. Adjunta a Direcció SAP Muntanya-Dreta) i Carme Nebot (Responsable Especialistes i RAE, SAP Muntanya-Dreta) per fer-nos una xerrada sobre atenció primària i la seva relació amb l'assistència hospitalària, amb especial interès en la gestió de la malaltia crònica.

Assitents a la xerrada

OFTALKOLDA: a tele-ophthalmology project in Senegal

During the last July 2012, the first implementation and test actions were carried out as regards to the telemedicine platform developed for the OFTALKOLDA Project, in Senegal. This international cooperation project is part of the collaboration between Health and Dependence Cluster of i2Cat Foundation and the Fundació Ferreruela Sanfeliu, which began in 2009. The aim of this partnership is to improve access to ophthalmologic health care for Senegalese society through the use of Internet and the new technologies, and it is currently financed by Caixa Unnim Obra Social.

Technician in the ophthalmology room

The objective of the project is to achieve communication between Reference Hospitals in Catalonia and Senegal, and Health Centers in rural zones with lack of specialized health care. Through a telemedicine platform, ophthalmologists will be able to examine and diagnose images from patients coming from isolated areas, giving support to local practitioners in order to improve the service given to the population.
Given that, different meeting took place among the actors involved, and also some evaluations has been carried out in the different hospitals involved: the Teaching Hospital CHU Abass Ndao, in the capital of the country, Dakar, and the Regional Hospital CHR Kolda, in Haute Casamance region. Also, the server with the platform was installed, in order to start with the start-up implementation and testing of the web page.

Project members
As regards to future actions, it is planned to improve communications infrastructure in CHR Kolda, in order to improve access to the platform to health staff, along with the corresponding corrections according to the results of the first usability test. Furthermore, it is expected that these services will be extended to other specialties, and also complemented with other national initiatives underway on telemedicine, such as those being carried out by the organization AMREF.

Main entrance of CHR Kolda

martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012

Cursos Formatius d'Interoperabilitat

El centre acollirà dos cursos formatius dins del marc d’interoperabilitat dels sistemes d’informació hospitalaris. Del 17 a 19 d’octubre es durà a terme el Taller d’introducció a la gramàtica del RIM HL7 i del 15 al 16 de novembre el Taller de introducció a SNOMED CT & HL7.

HL7 (Health Level Seven) es un protocol de comunicacions per l’àmbit sanitari dissenyat per garantir l’interoperabilitat real entre els diferents sistemes d’informació dintre del àrea de salut. Per tal d’aconseguir processar de manera automàtica el coneixement compartit, es fonamental entendre el robust módel informació dissenyat per HL7 (RIM Reference Information Model ) ; com conèixer la terminologia estandarditzada més utilitzada d’aquest escenari (SNOMED-CT Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine –Terms).

Les formacions l’impartirán experts directament involucrats a HL7 Spain, entitat nacional de l’organització HL7 acreditada per ANSI. La Socidedad Española de Informatica Sanitaria (SEIS), el Fòrum Català d’Informàtica de Salud (FORUM CIS) i Integrated Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) son entitats que col·laboren a nivell institucional amb HL7 Spain

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012

Activitats de Co-creació en el "Casals en Xarxa"

El passat divendres 28 de setembres, l’equip de i2Health,en el marc del projecte “Casals en Xarxa”, va realitzar una activitat de co-creació amb gent gran en el Casal de Igualada.

El projecte “Casals en Xarxa” pretén aprofitar la potència de les noves tecnologies i Internet per la interconnexió de casals de gent gran de tot Catalunya a través de serveis de videoconferència. Actualment compta amb la participació de:
  • Equipament Cívic Igualada – Montserrat
  • Equipament Cívic Lleida
  • Ludoteca Terrassa - Sant Pere Nord
  • Casal de Gent Gran Terrassa - Sant Pere Nord
  • Casal de Gent Gran de Tortosa

Durant els pròxims mesos, també formaran part de la xarxa:
  • Casal de Gent Gran Blanes - Benet Ribas
  • Casal de Gent Gran de Sort

Les activitats de cocreació es centren en el disseny d’una interfície del portal de videoconferència adaptada a les necessitats de la gent gran i també, en el disseny d’una aplicació per a plataformes mòbils que ha de permetre a participants assidus, participar en les activitats organitzades pel seu Casal des de casa seva.

El projecte compta amb la col·laboració del departament de Benestar Social i Família de la Generalitat de Catalunya i el finançament i suport per part de la Fundació Vodafone España.

Participants durant l'activitat

In English:

Last Friday, september 28, i2Health team conducted a cocreation activity with elderly people in “Casal de Igualada” facilities for “Casals en Xarxa” project.

The “Casals en Xarxa” project aims to use the power of new technologies and Internet to connect leisure centers for the elderly in Catalonia through videoconferencing. Nowadays, four centres participate in the initiative:
  • Equipament Cívic Igualada – Montserrat
  • Equipament Cívic Lleida
  • Ludoteca Terrassa - Sant Pere Nord
  • Casal de Gent Gran de Tortosa

 Next months, the following centres will also be added to the network:
  • Casal de Gent Gran Blanes - Benet Ribas
  • Casal de Gent Gran de Sort

The activities focus on the co-design of a videoconferencing portal interface tailored to the needs of the elderly and, in the design of an application for mobile devices must allow regular participants, to take part in activities organized by the Casals from their homes.

The project has the support of the Department of Social Welfare and Family of the Government of Catalonia and the funding and support from the Vodafone Foundation Spain.

lunes, 18 de junio de 2012

LEAN methodology: the Kaizen activity

Since April, Fujitsu Technology Solutions is working on improving Hospital emergency department through the implementation of Lean methodology. The last week of May the Lean Kaizen activity with the emergency department of Hospital de Sant Pau took place at  i2Health Sant Pau facilities.

Kaizen is a Japanese term which translates as "continuous improvement" and is a method to accelerate the  process improvement based on the DMAIC cycle.
During the five days Kaizen, a team of 16 employees from the emergency department and representative of all groups were dedicated and worked together redefining emergency processes to achieve the project objectives. These objectives are mostly focused on meeting the needs of the patient and employee of the emergency department.

The starting point of Kaizen is the current process diagram, from which value stocks and areas for improvement are identified based on the root causes of problems and solutions are sought. From this point, the ideal and future desired processes are defined, and also a strategy to move from current state to future state, embodied in an action plan, is designed.

Currently, the action plan of the Kaizen product is being implemented by the Hospital professionals involved in the activity.

 Lean team 297 during one of the Kaizen exercises 

lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

COM'ON project: Living Lab Experience with LegoRealPlay

Last Thursday, April 26, i2HealthSantPau have hosted a Living Lab activity for the European AAL project COM'ON. 

The aim of COM'ON project is to develop an IT solution in order to resolve elderly mobility into cities in a holistic approach (planning, sharing and on journey help services), which will cover all available public transport options, in order to help older people maintain their outdoor mobility for as long as possible.

The participants during the workshop

The activity, conducted by Jordi Colobrans (from i2CAT Living Lab Unit) and supported by Mie Bjerre and Thomas Hammer-Jakobsen (from Copenhagen Living Lab), have involved 11 senior people with the objective to discover their concerns and proposed solutions in urban mobility through the use of Lego bricks. This innovative approach based on Lego brick, demonstrated the extraordinary connection between our hands and our mind. By using the hands we get connected to our unknown knowledge and some researchers refers to it as: ‘thinking with our hands’.
All the participants in the Living Lab experience

Finally, we would like to thanks the participation of ethnographers Noemi Perez, Jaume Durall, Anna Capitán, Marc Aguilar, Josep Benavent and Vladimir Reinhardt for their work and all the participants for the great experience they provided.

miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2012

Carpeta Personal de Salut DEMO - Inauguració i2healthSantPau

Durant la inauguració de i2HealthSantPau l'Honorable Conseller de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Sr. Boi Ruiz va poder navegar per la Carpeta Personal de Salut del Departament de Salut en  l'espai DEMO permanent destinat a aquest projecte estratègic.

El Centre i2HealthSantPau va realitzar en el seu espai CIUTADÀ per encàrrec del Departament de Salut un estudi amb 15 pacients amb medicació receptada de forma crònica per validar les funcionalitats que la carpeta ofereix als ciutadans.  Aquesta activitat  de validació va ser conduida per la Unitat de LivingLab de i2CAT amb el suport del CAP Larrard i l'Hospital de Sant Pau. Més informació a : Actividades de exploración con usuarios de la "Carpeta Personal de Salut"

La Carpeta Personal de Salut (CPS) és un espai digital segur que us permet, mitjançant una identificació digital, accedir a la vostra informació personal de salut, fer consultes, recollir dades de la vostre salut i realitzar tràmits amb l’administració sanitària, amb  l’objectiu d’afavorir la coresponsabilitat i la vostra participació en la prevenció i cura de la vostra salut.  

Més informació : http://www.gencat.cat/especial/esalut/cat/carpeta.htm

In English:

During the inauguration of i2HealthSantPau, the Honorable  Minister of Health of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Mr. Boi Ruiz was able to surf the Personal Health Folder Website of the Department of Health in the DEMO permanent space dedicated to this strategic project.

The Centre i2HealthSantPau made ​​in his CITIZEN space a study with 15 patients with chronic 
prescribed medication to validate the provided functionalities. This activity was driven by the LivingLab unit of i2CAT with the support of the CAP Larrard and Hospital de Sant Pau.

The Personal Health Folder (CPS) is a digital space that allows you to secure, through a digital identity, access your personal health information, make inquiries, collect data and perform transactions with your health care administration, with in order to encourage your participation and responsibility in the prevention and care of your health.

More information:

HIPERMED DEMO - i2HealthSantPau Inauguration

The Catalan Minister of Health inaugurated the i2HealthSantPau Center and we have established a 3D video-conference with PSNC to demonstrate what we think will be the future of medical tele-consultation.

The 3D Polish side of the video-conference has asked i2HealthSantPau for help during a surgery and, for this reason, the medical professionals from Poland sent through the video-conference a 3D medical video of the intervention allowing proper advise to be provided from local specialists.

The technology used in the demo is the result of the HIPERMED project that aims to design an open telemedicine platform based on a unified Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) providing media services, SIP-based control plane services and network services over the Internet Protocol (IP). The project exploits and extends the results from the HDVIPER CELTIC project (www.hdviper.org) in a healthcare scenario. The platform will support remote consulting, tele-teaching and distributed consensus decision-making on treatment programmes. It will also be possible to implement any sort of healthcare unit, e.g., in homes of patients and stand-by healthcare workers.

The event has had great impact in the Spanish and Catalan press and TV as we can see in the following links:

Spanish State Television, minute 8:

Catalan Public Television, minute 17 :

We want to especially thank our partners from PSNC Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center and the HIPERMED consortium for their support in this demo.

The HIPERMED project is partially funded by the “Avanza Competitividad I+D+I” Spanish programme (project number TSI-020400-2010-106)

martes, 13 de marzo de 2012

AFA-CONNECTALZHEIMER DEMO - i2HealthSantPau Inauguration

Today, during the inauguration our knowledge centre i2healthSantPau, we have presented to mass media the project AFA-ConnectAlzheimer. This project is developed with "Associació de Familiar d'Alzheimer del Baix Llobregat" (Alzheimer Relatives Association from Baix Llobregat) and consists in provide caregivers with a telematic platform in order to provide them with psychological attention through video-conference service and other related helpful services (such as a caregivers agenda, news related to Alzheimer, training resources for caregivers with videos...). The access for caregivers is customized with tactile terminals in order to easy their interaction with the platform.

Isabel Macanaz, AFA's psychologist, have conducted a demonstration with  a real user of the project. This demo consisted on a live video-conference session where she have shown how is conducted the remote attention to a caregivers.

We would like to specially thank Isabel about his wonderful demonstration of the project, and the caregiver, Nemesio, for his participation

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

Avui inaugurem i2HealthSantPau

Avui dimarts tretze de març del 2012 inaugurem el Centre de Coneixement i2HealthSantPau amb un acte de presentació amb l’assistència de l’Honorable Conseller de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Sr. Boi Ruiz i els actors, tant públics com privats, més rellevants i actius del país.

L’i2HealthSantPau és un centre e-salut pioner a Espanya, inspirat en el model Living Lab d’experimentació i co-creació, on es tenen en compte totes les parts implicades que participen en els processos de creació i desenvolupament d’iniciatives i projectes e-salut.

Personal sanitari, enginyers, ciutadans, empreses i institucions públiques treballen junts en el centre per trobar nous productes i serveis que millorin la salut a través de les noves tecnologies.

Sant Pau i la Fundació i2Cat, amb la col•laboració del Plan Avanza del Ministeri d’Indústria, tenen en marxa a l’i2Health Sant Pau cinc projectes en actiu.

Durant l'acte de presentació, al Centre s'hi demostraran fins a 6 aplicacions TIC pioneres en l'àmbit de la salu, les 3 més destacades són:

En Castellano:

Hoy inauguramos i2HealthSantPau

Hoy martes 13 de marzo inauguramos el Centro del Conocimiento i2HealthSantPau con el acto de presentación del Honorable Conseller de Salud de la Generalitat de Catalunya Sr. Boi Ruiz.

El i2HealthSantPau es un centro e-salud pionero en España, inspirado en el modelo Living Lab de experimentación y co-creación, donde se tienen en cuenta todas las partes implicadas que participan en los procesos de creación y desarrollo de iniciativas y proyectos e-salud.

Personal sanitario, ingenieros, ciudadanos, empresas e instituciones públicas trabajan juntos en el centro para encontrar nuevos productos y servicios que mejoren la salud a través de las nuevas tecnologías.

Sant Pau y la Fundación i2Cat, con la colaboración del Plan Avanza del Ministerio de Industria, tienen en marcha en i2HealthSantPau cinco proyectos en activo.

Durante el acto de presentación, en el Centro se demostrarán hasta 6 aplicaciones TIC pioneras en el ámbito de la salu, las 3 siguientes fueron las más relevantes:

In English:

Today we inaugurate i2HealthSantPau

Today, 13th of March: Inauguration of the i2HealthSantPau Knowledge Centre. The opening ceremony will be held by the Minister of Health of the Generalitat de Catlaunya, Mr. Boi Ruiz.

The i2HealthSantPau is a pioneering e-health center in Spain, inspired by the model and experimental Living Lab co-creation, which takes into account all stakeholders involved in the process of creation and development initiatives and e-health projects.

Medical personnel, engineers, citizens, businesses and public institutions working together in the center to find new products and services that improve health through new technologies.

SantPau Hospital and i2Cat Foundation, in collaboration with the Avanza Plan, Ministry of Industry, are underway in i2HealthSantPau five active projects.

During the presentation, 6 innoavtive e-health applications will be demonstrated. Few details are described ni the following links: