jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2013


Keeping track of the patient adherence

i2Cat has presented the ICT's platform to support medication adherence for chronic patients. This platform was presented at the last congress "Apps per salut" of the Oficial College of Doctors of Barcelona (COMB): http://www.comb.cat/cat/altres/salut20comb/home.asp

i2cat's solution, named "AMMP", is based on a novelty application for Android smart-phones with enabled NFC technology. Many people frequently forget to take the medicine prescribed by their doctors. An incomplete or irregular administration of the medicine can have fateful consequences, even short-term, especially in some groups like the elderly people.

The AMMP-NFC project aims to give a practical and effective solution to this problem through this mobile application. This application will be used in the medical prescription, where the medicines that the patient has to take will be registered; in the medicine dispensation, so that the pharmacist has all the information about the medicines that has to sell to the patient; and in the pill's administration, where the mobile phone will notify the patient using an alarm each time they have to take some of the prescribed medicines. Each of this steps use the NFC technology, as identification of the patient and also as a trigger for actions in the different workflow scenarios. Some of them could be summarized in this video:

More information about i2Cat's NFC enabled technology to support medication adherence: http://www.i2cat.net/en/projecte/ammp-1

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