El Centre i2HealthSantPau va realitzar en el seu espai CIUTADÀ per encàrrec del Departament de Salut un estudi amb 15 pacients amb medicació receptada de forma crònica per validar les funcionalitats que la carpeta ofereix als ciutadans. Aquesta activitat de validació va ser conduida per la Unitat de LivingLab de i2CAT amb el suport del CAP Larrard i l'Hospital de Sant Pau. Més informació a : Actividades de exploración con usuarios de la "Carpeta Personal de Salut"
La Carpeta Personal de Salut (CPS) és un espai digital segur que us permet, mitjançant una identificació digital, accedir a la vostra informació personal de salut, fer consultes, recollir dades de la vostre salut i realitzar tràmits amb l’administració sanitària, amb l’objectiu d’afavorir la coresponsabilitat i la vostra participació en la prevenció i cura de la vostra salut.
Més informació : http://www.gencat.cat/especial/esalut/cat/carpeta.htm
In English:
During the inauguration of i2HealthSantPau, the Honorable Minister of Health of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Mr. Boi Ruiz was able to surf the Personal Health Folder Website of the Department of Health in the DEMO permanent space dedicated to this strategic project.
The Centre i2HealthSantPau made in his CITIZEN space a study with 15 patients with chronic prescribed medication to validate the provided functionalities. This activity was driven by the LivingLab unit of i2CAT with the support of the CAP Larrard and Hospital de Sant Pau.
The Personal Health Folder (CPS) is a digital space that allows you to secure, through a digital identity, access your personal health information, make inquiries, collect data and perform transactions with your health care administration, with in order to encourage your participation and responsibility in the prevention and care of your health.
More information: http://www.gencat.cat/especial/esalut/cat/carpeta.htm
In English:
During the inauguration of i2HealthSantPau, the Honorable Minister of Health of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Mr. Boi Ruiz was able to surf the Personal Health Folder Website of the Department of Health in the DEMO permanent space dedicated to this strategic project.
The Centre i2HealthSantPau made in his CITIZEN space a study with 15 patients with chronic prescribed medication to validate the provided functionalities. This activity was driven by the LivingLab unit of i2CAT with the support of the CAP Larrard and Hospital de Sant Pau.
The Personal Health Folder (CPS) is a digital space that allows you to secure, through a digital identity, access your personal health information, make inquiries, collect data and perform transactions with your health care administration, with in order to encourage your participation and responsibility in the prevention and care of your health.
More information: http://www.gencat.cat/especial/esalut/cat/carpeta.htm