martes, 13 de marzo de 2012

AFA-CONNECTALZHEIMER DEMO - i2HealthSantPau Inauguration

Today, during the inauguration our knowledge centre i2healthSantPau, we have presented to mass media the project AFA-ConnectAlzheimer. This project is developed with "Associació de Familiar d'Alzheimer del Baix Llobregat" (Alzheimer Relatives Association from Baix Llobregat) and consists in provide caregivers with a telematic platform in order to provide them with psychological attention through video-conference service and other related helpful services (such as a caregivers agenda, news related to Alzheimer, training resources for caregivers with videos...). The access for caregivers is customized with tactile terminals in order to easy their interaction with the platform.

Isabel Macanaz, AFA's psychologist, have conducted a demonstration with  a real user of the project. This demo consisted on a live video-conference session where she have shown how is conducted the remote attention to a caregivers.

We would like to specially thank Isabel about his wonderful demonstration of the project, and the caregiver, Nemesio, for his participation

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